Thursday, January 18, 2018

North Korea Using Its Expected Participation In Next Month's Olympics To Fuel Its 'Reunification' Propaganda Campaign

Newsweek: North Korea Using Winter Olympics to Fuel Online 'Reunification' Propaganda

North Korea is using its impending participation in next month's Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang to bolster its ongoing propaganda campaign that the rogue state and Democratic South Korea should be reunified.

A two-minute clip titled "Reunification is by Korean nation itself" uploaded by the North Korean propaganda site DPRK Today paints the Olympics as part of the rogue state's reunification campaign, reported the South Korea-based newspaper The Chosun Ilbo. The clip shows emotional images of North and South Koreans, including footage of times they've cooperated during past athletic competitions.

The video includes subtitles that state, "We are a homogeneous nation by same blood...Let's resolve all issues by the efforts of our nation itself... thereby opening up a new history of national reunification."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: South Korea's eagerness to engage with North Korea has undercut the international momentum on China and Russia to put pressure on North Korea to rein in its missile and nuclear programs. Am I surprised .... no. For as long as I can remember there has always been a large constituency in South Korea that a policy of appeasement backed with serious economic assistance would temper North Korea's aggressive intentions. The problem is that these policies failed in the past, and I expect them to fail here. But what makes this current situation incredibly dangerous is that North Korea's nuclear and missile program is primarily aimed at the United States. This is not business as usual .... unfortunately .... many in South Korea/China/and Russia believe that it is.


jimbrown said...

Yes we would like you to come to receive your world's greatest leader award to be given in person at a podium with a clear line of sight for everyone. Comes with lifetime supply of Hennesy cognac.

B.Poster said...

WNU Editor,

Unfortunately I think you are spot on. This is a very dangerous situation. Since the primary target appears to be America at least as far as the nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles are concerned other nations such as China, Russia, and South Korea may not feel the urgency to deal with this that America will. Also, the message has been sent loud and clear over many decades that suggests American lives tend to be worth less than those of other countries. As such, the world as a whole may not feel the same urgency to deal with this problem.

For as long as I can remember as well there has always been the faction constituency in South Korea that prefer appeasement plus major economic assistance. If the survey that suggests 33% of south Korea's military officers believe America to be the primary threat with 33% undecided is correct which South Korean behavior appears to indicate that it is, the problem is much deeper than simply wishing to appease and provide economic assistance. Furthermore the attitudes of the officers are probably going to be indicative of the rest of the leadership as well as the populace as a whole. I've recognized since 1991 that we have/had a huge problem with this country.

With that said this time may be different. Appeasement and major economic assistance are "carrots." There's rarely been, if ever, the threat of significant "sticks" being applied. With the sanctions scheduled to become even more severe this could have a major impact and may be why North Korea is ready to come to the negotiating table. I certainly hope so. At a minimum, the negotiations if properly utilized should allow us some time to build up our military capabilities and to bolster our homeland security.

There is a very real possibility here of South Korean betrayal of which US leaders and the American people should be under no delusions. We can mitigate the risk if we insist on being in the loop in all negotiations in real time. This way we will know in "real time" what is going on and can prepare accordingly.

Anonymous said...

They just have to. It's their brothers and sisters. I'm not mad at them.
I'm mad at China. As long as China understands that -any- nuclear missile coming from North Korea will be treated as if it came from their soil, I don't see much of a problem going forward. This way, China will also keep Russia's support for North Korea in check, if you know what I mean.
This is a fight for world dominance. It is not about North Korea and South Korea. Do not be fooled.

Bloggermonster said...

Dude seriously you should start your own blog B.Poster

James said...

South Korea's biggest problem is that they have through their current politics have put themselves in a position were they cannot say no. All they can say is yes in different forms.