Friday, February 12, 2016

The Most Pressing National Security Issue That Nobody's Talking About

Epic Times: America’s “China Trade Deficit” Reaches Critical Mass

The most pressing national security issue that nobody's talking about

The US trade deficit with China hit a critical milestone in 2015. It now stands at a mind-numbing $1 billion a day, and that $365 billion annual trade deficit continues to rise with the lift of China’s illegal export subsidies, sweatshop labor, pollution havens, and undervalued currency.

The failure to understand that America’s Chinese import dependence has now reached critical mass as a national security issue comes from the very mind-numbing magnitude of the numbers involved. Let’s see, however, if we can put the size of the US trade deficit with China into some perspective; and let’s start with the F-22 – the only US fighter jet with the agility, speed, and stealth to overcome the latest Russian air defense systems and newest Chinese and Russian fighters.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: All international conflicts are determined by industrial capacity, wealth/money, know-how, and population. If current trends continue (the next decade or two) .... the U.S. will definitely be subordinate to China on all four points in the future. Fortunately for the U.S. .... China does have a lot of problems .... economic/political/ethnic tensions/corruption/etc. .... and the U.S. also has many allies in Asia who are very wary of China and will align amongst themselves and with the U.S. to counter a rising a China.


Joseph A. lambert said...

We are like a shark on its back and having its chest rubbed to lethargy. The clock is ticking to Chinese military and economic world dominance. Will we wake up soon? I really doubt it. People love their Walmart!

RRH said...

This is the rub of the matter. Those who profit from the off shoring of production are running the show. They are interested in profits now and the idea that the future may spell "doom" for the U.S. means nothing to them. They and theirs will remain rich regardless of the outcome for the rest.

People "love their Walmart for a few reasons. One being shrinking/stagnant incomes brought about in many cases by aforesaid off shoring of production. Another being the dominant ideology being that of the dominant class. As in, "I'm getting mine now. Tomorrow is someone else's concern." The problem with the lower classes having that mentality is that there are no bailouts, cohersive state aparatus or free trade neo liberal agreements laws protecting them.

Ideology is destroying, literally bankrupting, the United States of America (Canada is not far behind).